Simone Adair, Donald Alter, John Anderson, Eric and Melinda Angstadt, Vernon P. and Gloria J. Alexander,
Eve McClure Atkeson, Brian Atwood, Elizabeth Balderston, Nikki Rattray Baldwin, Margaret Bancroft, Louis E. Barbarelli, Joan and Carl Basore, Saundra Beacham, Beth Beatty, Alexea Berchem,
Paul and Mildred Berg, Amy Bess, Donald Bickford, Barbara Bilson, Robert ten Bosch, Suzy Brunel,
Russell Bruno, Joseph Carlino, Dina Cheyette, Bruce Abbott Conrad, Claire and Jacques Creppel,
Collette A. Creppell, Ingrid Creppell, Dot Cudaback, Carol Culwell, Robert Cunico, Anna Dabney, Stephen R. Davenport, Sue Davies, Walt and Elizabeth Davis, Kathryn Day, Keith and Kelly Debro,
David DeBruin, Robert Decker, Lonnie S. Dillard, Charles and Jean Dormann, Sherry Drobner, Shirley Dudley, Carol Jeanne Ekberg, Wendy Edelstein, James G. Emerson, Ann Erickson, Bill Falik, Julia Partridge and David Firestone, Ted C. Fishman, David Foecke, Phil Fuchao, Gretchen Garlinghouse, Anthony L. Garrett, Andre Gauthier, Karen Gee, Alice Gibbons, Prosser Gifford, Eloise Gilland,
Bob Gillooly, Christa A. Godfrey, Robert Golan, Willard F. Gordon, David Grassetti, Jean Gregory, Audrey Grubman, John and Virginia Hadsell, Stuart Reed Hanson, Bonnie Hamlin, C.V. Herst,
Patricia Hoggatt, Jeff Holman, Claudette Hulce, Lyn Hunter, Paul Hunter, Rebecca Indrio, Victor Ingrassia, Anne M. Jones, Christopher Joyce, Sally Juarez, Marcus A. Jung, Seth Kaufman, Lori Kendall, Helen Keohane, Betsy Elizabeth King, Gary Knapp, Boyd M. Krout, Richard L. and Catherine C. Larsen,
Barry Landfield, Adin Levine, Milena Grozeva Levy, Bruce Linde, Doris Lora, David McCaig,
John H. and Sally C. Macleod, Frank McCormick, Ravi Mallela, Jean Paul and Cherise Martinet, Hunter McClure, Eve McClure, Gwynne McClure, Lynne McClure, Jeanne McClure, Jim and Dean McDonald, Kimberly Medina, Marilyn Lord and James Meisner, Dave Miller, Rebecca Milley, Donnelle Milley, Donald Milley, Warren Milley,
Liz Mills, Courtney Mireille O'Connor, Catherine Muriel, Phil Mitchell, Diana Mittelberger, Daniel Mittelberger, Ali Mittelberger, Ralph and Harriet Mittelberger, Abby Mohaupt, Paul Morrell, Anne Mudge, Isaac Mudge, Lilly Mudge, Robert Mudge, Catherine Muriel, Wly Anderson and Bob Nadeau, Remi Nadeau, Christi Nelson, Eleanor Nicholson, Marjorie Nicholson, William Nickerson, Dana Nojima, Bart Ostro, Mary Palafox, Arthur Patterson, Arthur and Susan ten Bosch Paull, Al Peters, Jon Pecson, Lisa Peterson, Wendell Pierce, Bev Pizzano, Lauri Pulkka, Kit Ratcliff and Janet Tam, Chris Richardson, John and Sara Rex, Thomas Richardson, Josh Rose, Wade Woodfill and Nancy Rosenlund, Helene Rostock, Cheryl Savramis, Pamela Schams, Pat and Gregg Schwinn, William M. and Mary Liz Scott, Sandra Shea, Judy Sigars, Lu de Silva, Julie Simon, Jerry and Loreli Sontag, Robert and Linda Spencer, Jim Spiegelman, Claude and Rosemary Stoller, Jo Wayles and Alan Steed, Gail Steinberg, Virginia Stern, Jan Stites, Joe Tatelbaum, Ruthann Taylor,
Glen Teshima, Ron and Roseanne Thompson, Larry Van, Peter Vaillancourt, Jane VanderVeer, Scott Verges, Jeanne Virca, Jane Wald, Gayl Westendorf, Catherine White, Ann Wilke, Bruce and Jennie Wilson,
Antoinette Wire, Sidney and Orion Wolfe, Carol Wolleson, Tom Zakim
Antibiotic Resistance Action Center
Antibiotic Resistance Fighter Coalition
Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions
California Life Sciences Institute
Center for Disease Dynamics Economics and Policy
C. Diff Foundation
Cepheid Corporation
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Johnson & Johnson
Mass Bio
Peggy Lillis Foundation
School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Stuart B. Levy Center for Integrated Management of
Antimicrobial Resistance at Tufts (Levy CIMAR)
The UC Berkeley Wellness Letter
United Healthcare
Xenex Disinfection Services