BEATING SUPERBUGS: CAN WE WIN? (1 hr. 7 mins.) is now streaming by title on Indie Rights Vimeo pay-per-view (click here). You can watch it on your computer, any mobile devices, or your living room TV. If new to Vimeo, add its app on either your smart TV or streaming device. The cost is $2.99 for 72 hrs. of viewing on demand (VOD), or $9.99 for unlimited VOD.
PANEL DISCUSSION of BEATING SUPERBUGS (1 hr. 8 mins.), produced by UC San Diego's AV Department, is streaming separately on Vimeo (click here). See the film first: its themes are the basis for the panel discussion, but each stands alone.
Our dedicated website, www.beatingsuperbugs.com, carries this information and more: the subject’s context, data about us and film participants, a 2.5 minute trailer, etc.
Social media icons connect viewers to constantly changing, illustrated updates and clips.
Enjoy your viewing, tell your friends and family about the film, and let us hear from you!